Q & A about my order
Q & A about my order
What does “Shipped” mean?
Self evident - Your order has left our logisticscenter ( or a partner’s). Post o...
How do I track my order?
When tracking orders first check which shipper and form of delivery the orders w...
How long does shipping take to …..?
Worldwide Delivery: Total shipping time is :process time + Shipping time The Sh...
What does “processing” mean?
Processing means that your order has not yetbeen sent. Either our partner has no...
My order says "backordered", what does that mean?
When the status of your order is “backordered” , it means that we are either wai...
What does “Approved being processed” mean?
This status means that our system has received your order and we willbegin proce...
I placed my order 3 days ago and the status is still “Approved being processed” WHY?
Hmmm... Is this a weekend? We do our best to begin processingorders within 24 ho...
What do Status “Pending Unapproved” or “Pending” mean?
If your order is “Pending unapproved” or “pending” our system did not record pay...
All Q & A about my order
I placed my order 3 days ago and the status is still “Approved being processed”...
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How long does shipping take to …..?
How do I track my order?
What does “Approved being processed” mean?
What does “Shipped” mean?
I placed my order 3 days ago and the status is still “Approved being processed” WHY?
All Q & A about my order
What does “processing” mean?
What do Status “Pending Unapproved” or “Pending” mean?
My order says "backordered", what does that mean?